

School should be a place for learning how to live and be a productive member of society.
We are dedicated to joyfully educating the whole child.
We learn and live Jewishly every day.
Process is viewed as essential to co-constructing knowledge and unhurried time is given for this process.
We view families as essential partners along their children’s educational journey.
Our practice is guided by our belief that children are competent.

We are guided by the Reggio Emilia approach to learning and foster 21st-century skills including empowering children and fostering a sense of agency. Our practice is guided by our belief that children are competent. 

Our goal is for our children to love learning. Through ongoing observation and assessment of the learning process, our educators mindfully plan curriculum. Learning standards and goals undergird these experiences and processes.  Our learner-centered  curriculum is anchored in meaningful experiences, providing learning opportunities that promote collaboration, critical thinking, and inquiry.

We believe that academic growth rests upon a positive foundation of social and emotional development. Classroom community is developed and learners authentically witness the value of multiple perspectives. Learning how to live and become a morally conscious member of a community is a central concept for our children.


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