
The Innovative School of Temple Beth Sholom is a progressive Elementary School designed to encourage and develop our understandings and practices within the social-constructivist approach to learning regarding the whole child. We are guided by the Reggio Emilia approach to learning. We foster academic achievement and 21st-century skills including empowering children and fostering a sense of agency.

Flow of the Day

Morning Meeting
This is an opportunity for us to come together as a community to adapt to the group’s needs, practice listening to and asking and answering questions. We share new thoughts, ideas and possibilities. Work for the day is also discussed.
Literacy Block
A balanced literacy curriculum includes: read alouds, word study, a writing workshop and a reading workshop. Reading is gradually acquired over years of instruction and practice that is balanced and addresses all components of reading:

-phonemic awareness
-comprehension (includes vocabulary and text comprehension)
At The Innovative School of Temple Beth Sholom we recognize the importance of innovation not only within our education but also within our culinary delights. We have a state of the art 1,000 square foot on-site kitchen where our meals are prepared daily. Nutrition is a vital component to our children’s physical development. Our ingredients are always fresh and delicious!
Physical Fitness
Learners participate in Starfit, dance, and yoga and go to the JCC. Learners focus on different ways to develop strength, flexibility, agility and coordination. In addition to basic movements and drills, learners incorporate cardiovascular exercises. In dance, children learn and create dance movements with partners and in groups. In yoga, learners begin to trust their bodies and build emotional and physical strength. At the JCC learners practice the rules and skills needed to play various organized sports with a coach.
Language Learning
Spanish is taught everyday. Formal Hebrew instruction starts in first grade.
Free Play Outside
Learners have free play everyday.
Learners have music twice a week. Learners explore their world through listening, singing, moving, playing instruments, and creating. As they develop basic skills, techniques, and processes in music, they strengthen their music vocabulary and music literacy. Learners remember, focus on, process, play, and create together.
Math Block
During the math workshop, learners work as a whole class, independently, in pairs and in small groups. Learners use math in real-world situations. They think logically about math, write about math, and understand numbers through practice, games and manipulatives. Learners engage in meaningful mathematical problem-solving strategies and become critical thinkers.
Deep Studies | Projects
Project ideas are presented to the learners by the teacher about a social studies or science learning arc and are developed through learners’ interests, questions and discussions. The learners are given the time and space to investigate, analyze, discuss, record, and predict based on their observations and questions to create theories of understanding.
Judaic Studies
Learners explore all of the Jewish holidays. Traditional customs and symbols are reviewed throughout the year. In addition, learners explore Jewish values that focus on themselves as individuals, relationships with friends and family, and our community and the world at large.
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Learning Concepts and Goals

At The Innovative School of Temple Beth Sholom, our goal is for children to love learning. Our curriculum is anchored in meaningful experiences, providing learning opportunities that promote collaboration, critical thinking, and inquiry. With a child-directed approach always at the forefront, teaching and learning are authentic, and we intentionally design our learning experiences to foster inquiry, communication, and creative expression. Through ongoing observation and assessment of the learning process, our educators mindfully plan curriculum. Learning standards and goals undergird these experiences and processes.

Judaic Studies:
Where Tradition Meets Exploration

At the Innovative School of Temple Beth Sholom, Jewish life and learning go together. Rooted in tradition and guided by Reform Judaism’s emphasis on informed choice, our program fosters a strong foundation in Jewish knowledge. This empowers learners to explore their identities, including their Jewish heritage. From cherished customs to core values and everyday actions, Jewish life and learning are woven into the very fabric of our school community.

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