Our innovative Kindergarten class opened their Rainbow Cafe this week. The Magnolia class started the project in September asking the question “If we were to make a movie of our lives, what would it look like”. Of course no movie is complete without popcorn which led our learners to describe memories around food. In October the learners discussed their favorite food and memories associated with those foods.

By November this sparked the idea of opening their own restaurant. The Rainbow Cafe was born!

In December learners planned everything they would need to make their own restaurant. they met with a local restauranteur who helped them plan and conceptualize their ideas into actionable items to create their own Cafe.
This week the Rainbow Cafe opened with a full menu and multiple seatings for all the other grades and a special adult seating. The Magnolias class is giving back to the community with their cafe, all proceeds from the Rainbow Cafe are going to the Miami Food Bank.