
What’s New

We are on the right track!

“It does not require a great leap of imagination or profound insight to recognize that the values and visions that have driven education during the first quarter of the 20th century are reappearing with a vengeance today. We look for “best methods” as if they were independent of context; we do more testing than any […]

Chag Sameach!  Happy Passover! 

Dear School Community, Chag Sameach!  Happy Passover!  We enjoyed sharing our school wide Haggadah Presentation with all of you.   Everyone had such a great time reliving the Passover Story as our amazing team dynamically presented this ancient account.  The old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” might be restated to say, “An experience is worth a thousand […]

School Garden Challenge

In conjunction with Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens, grades Pre K- Fourth Grade have entered The Fairchild Tropical Gardens School Garden Challenge. The Fairchild Challenge is an award-winning, interdisciplinary, environmental science competition designed to engage students to explore the natural world. The program has been recognized as a benchmark for exceptional STEM education and for empowering […]

Where We Live

First graders engage in deep studies around the social studies arc “where we live.” As learners study their school neighborhood, Miami Beach, they develop many social skills, including problem solving and collaboration. In the first grade class, our students learned about the bedrock that is the foundation of their school’s neighborhood, Miami Beach. During this […]

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